September 1st, 2012
The M.A.P.S. Team was excited to be called in for our first investigation in the City of Champions. (Brockton, Ma.) The home which was built in 1914 was located on Dover Street across from the James Edgar Playground. It was an attractive two family home which bore the distinction of being Rocky's childhood home according to the plaque proudly displayed on the exterior of the residence. The current owner has preserved his home as it would have been in the 1950's. He told us of the tenant upstairs who felt as though someone was following her each time she ascended the staircase. On numerous occasions, she had seen shadows moving across her bathroom. A downstairs guest awoke one night to the face of an elderly woman staring at her as she lay in bed. Also, the owner explained that he felt something in the kitchen. Since the night of the investigation fell on Sept. 1st, which was Rocky's birthday, we felt it appropriate to bring along a birthday cake in his honor.
Once all our equipment was in place, set amongst much Rocky memorabilia, Psychic Medium Dawn Carr arrived. Obviously, she knew who Rocky was. As she entered the kitchen which was full of authentic 1950's appliances, she said, "Rocky's Dad says....he takes the cake." She felt Rocky's message was that he never got the chance to thank all those who believed in him, and that he had lots of people in his corner.

The EMF detector was constantly spiking in the area of the dining room which led to the bedroom that once belonged to Rocky's Mom. There was great energy in this room which was filled with many religious pictures and figurines. This was the room where the former house guest had previously witnessed the face. During an EVP session in this room, a M.A.P.S. team member asked that if there was any energy there, to please allow a bright white orb to fly in front of the camera. At that precise moment, the lead investigator who was observing the monitor in the dining room commented in a loud voice that something bright had just exited that doorway. After viewing the video, it was not determined exactly what the bright white object was.
In the living room where a television set right out of the 50's was standing, we recorded high EMF's throughout the entire evening. The TV was unplugged and the entire area was checked for other electrical sources. Ms. Carr felt the presence of a woman with a strong A in her name. She mentioned the name Angelina. It was here that she stated that Rocky never forgot his roots and was brought up with kindness, manners and respect.

As we approached the upstairs, the energy seemed to change. Dawn immediately felt lots of spirit energy and an unusual amount of animal energy. She told the tenant that someone plays tricks on her in her bathroom. Ms. Carr was not aware that the tenant had previously reported to the team that she often sees shadows in her bathroom.
A few of us felt anxious as we entered the old basement complete with a dirt floor. Dawn felt that Rocky trained down there. Later, it was revealed to us by the homeowner, that Rocky practiced with his punching bags near the cellar door. We did not capture anything on camera, however an EVP which sounded like the name Alice was faintly detected when an investigator asked Ms. Carr what Rocky's sisters name was. The EMF's had high readings constantly, many times in response to Dawn's questions. For the M.A.P.S. Team, it was an awesome evening filled with the history of a true Champion. It was a memorable experience. Happy Birthday Rocky!